Ardean Peters: Toronto Photographer | People & Light

Keep holding on. You’ll get there.

Copyright Ardean Peters

It’s that moment when you’ve (I) held on long enough that you start to see that the vision can become a reality. It’s not easy getting here. There are many failed trys, but it’s so good when you start to see a new, happier, reality.

It seems I have the deepest thoughts when I’m taking a shower. Maybe because it’s one of the few times now-adays, that I am truly ‘dis-connected’. And this thought is really directed at myself. I’ve set a fitness goal for myself and I’ve started to see that first glimmer of reality. That what I’m doing is working and that if I keep at it, I will reach my goal. And no-one knows how hard that is, better than me (well, maybe someone does…), but I know it’s really really hard. And over the past two years, no make that three years!, I have been *trying* to get fit and failing. So many things conspire to make it not happen and I don’t really know why it does eventually start working. Why all of a sudden you start believing. Maybe it’s serendipity, when everything you’ve been trying all of a sudden aligns just right and this time it sticks. Or maybe you just get tired of it not working. I don’t know. I just know that when it does start happening. Go with it. Just go.


    • Ardean Peters

      Thanks for the ideas. Definitely agree – you gotta like it. I used to be a Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor and do love Fitness Classes – but for now, I’m just opting for walking. I have a 2.5 to 3 hour round trip daily. That with eating well consistently (key!), should do it 🙂


  1. Hi Ardean, trying to get fit is the hardest thing to do here in Canada. I walk a lot during the spring and summer, I eat lots of fruits and vegetables, swimming and others activities. But when starts to get cold I don’t do anything more, and start to eat lots of carbs. I have a treadmill but I got so lazy when I arrive home from work, now I’m cozy in my bed drinking tea with honey and online. If you have any success with the fitness please tell me your secret. Have a great night!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ardean Peters

      Hi Elizabeth! For me, it’s always a mental thing. I used to teach fitness and love being active , but sometimes I go to a negative place and it’s hard to break out of that in-active routine and mental space. Right now I’m just walking – to and from work – which is a good 2.5 hour round trip with a small uphill on the way back! My secret will be stay mentally happy and just being consistent, so walking/eating will become’s so routine i don’t even think about it 🙂


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