Ardean Peters: Toronto Photographer | People & Light

Would you let me capture you on film?

These are the second set of images from my new-old camera that I bought a few *ahem* *cough*… years ago.
Oh man, I shot the first set in 2011, so, ya, it’s taken me a while to finish this 2nd roll. Wait, did you HEAR that. I said finish the roll. Yup, that’s right, I’m talking about a film camera. A Canon Rebel 2000 35mm film camera. Aww man, I’m loving the images; the look of film straight out of the camera. I especially love that I don’t have to ‘edit’ them. This was a roll of Kodak Portra 160. I’d love to do a full Portrait session with film. No digital at all. Now THAT would be a challenge. Hmmm…
Now I would just need a willing subject…


  1. Nelson

    When I started photography in the early 80’s I used film and then being a man of my time I joined the Dark Side with Darth Digital, now that I am back more seriously at photography I am thinking about buying an old 35 mm film camera ….. film gives a different final touch to photos

    Liked by 1 person

    • It really does, doesn’t it Nelson?! I need to experiment more. And I like that you really have to slow down and think with film. Each image counts, so you have to wait until its just right. Makes you really evaluate what you’re doing.


      • Nelson

        I am not sure about the price of a 36 shots for film+photos but I remember that was expensive and is probably even more today …….. before you press the button, you make everyting is OK including the focus


  2. Titanium Mike

    I am so much more comfortable with film than with digital cameras. I don’t know why..perhaps like you said, every image counts. From a 36 roll I get more ‘ok’ shots than from a 200- shot afternoon with a digicam. Or perhaps it’s just all in my head. But a shoot with Portra 160? I say go for it..I love that film. Follow this link for (NSFW) examples..Portra 160 in a Yashica TLR with no extra lighting.


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